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CEO Of Eminent Australia

Interview article originally published by Auspreneur. at | View the original publication here.

Meet Jack Jeffress, the CEO of Eminent Australia, a new start-up company specialising in being Australia’s most prestigious membership rewards club. With over 11 years of experience in the fitness and coaching industry, he developed a deep passion for innovation and pushing the limits of what is possible.

Throughout Jack’s professional journey, he learned the importance of hard work, dedication and the power of positive thinking. Jack also learned to take calculated risks and never give up on his dreams.

As the CEO of Eminent Australia, he’s responsible for the overall strategy and direction of the company. He is constantly seeking new and innovative ways to grow and expand the business, and he takes pride in seeing the company flourish and succeed. Jack has a talented team of employees who share his passion and drive, and together they work to achieve common goals.
In his free time, he enjoys exploring the great outdoors, participating in various sports and taking part in community service.

He believes in living life to the fullest and encouraging others to do the same. He’s grateful for the opportunities that he has been given and will continue to work hard to achieve his dreams and make a positive impact on the world.

Here we sit down with Jack, to know a bit more about his journey as an entrepreneur.

Q. Tell us a little more about your journey as an entrepreneur – how did you get started? What inspired you?

Jack: Initially starting out as a personal trainer, I learned valuable skills in creating a personal income stream, marketing myself, and running a successful business operation. Working with wealthy clients and seeing their level of flexibility and control over their schedules inspired me to strive for similar freedom in my own life, leading me to pursue entrepreneurship.

Q. What’s one thing in your routine that you do consistently that has made a huge difference in your personal or business life?

Jack: I start my mornings with a non-business related activity, any form of movements such as a gym session or a walk, to mentally and physically prepare for the day ahead. This routine helps me feel clearer and more energised, allowing me to approach my work with increased focus and productivity.

Q. Who are your mentors and inspiration? and what knowledge or insight did they give to you that was valuable?

Jack: I have been influenced by several mentors throughout my journey, including my father who taught me the importance of hard work. However, I was motivated to start my own business after seeing the unhappiness he faced in his corporate job, and I strive to achieve a better work-life balance for myself. I have also been inspired by my clients, particularly Angela Barany, who won the Gold Coast Woman In Business of the Year 2022 – Business Achiever Award who inspires me in the way she balances her responsibilities and life whilst being a happy person.

Also, Daniel Stoten, the Executive Chairman of Localsearch (formerly White Pages) is a mentor of mine. He took a business from an industry that was essentially defunct and has since forged its success into a new industry. These successful businesspeople have shown me that it’s possible to create success and a flexible lifestyle. They continue to inspire me with their hard work, their flexibility in the ever-changing landscape of business, and with their engaging conversations.

Q. What has been your most satisfying moment in business?

Jack: My most rewarding moment in business is when I see all the hard work come to fruition. From receiving the first shipment of products with my logo to seeing vouchers and brochures being distributed, these small details become symbols of my achievements.

They serve as a tangible representation of my business, making me proud of what I have built. These moments of realization are truly satisfying and something I will cherish throughout my entrepreneurial journey.

Q. How do you market your business, and which tactics have been most successful?

Jack: We market our business through a combination of social media, paid ads, public stunts, and giveaways.

Our focus is on engaging with our audience and expanding our reach. Our most successful tactic is being agile and adapting quickly to the changing market, regularly tracking and measuring what works and what doesn’t, and making adjustments as needed.

Effective marketing requires continuous testing and refinement. Key to our success is also being open to failure and challenges, using them as opportunities for growth and learning. I lead my team by staying informed and guiding them through changes.

Q. What have been your biggest failures or challenges?

Jack: One of my biggest challenges was not being fully prepared for a big opportunity that presented itself. I didn’t have the right team, resources or systems in place, which resulted in me missing out on the opportunity. It was a harsh lesson to learn, but it taught me the importance of being ready and well-prepared for any situation in business.

I now ensure that I have contingency plans in place and regularly assess my operations to ensure that I am always ready for any opportunities or challenges that may arise.

Our focus is on engaging with our audience and expanding our reach. Our most successful tactic is being agile and adapting quickly to the changing market.

Q. How did this failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?

Jack: My past failure taught me the importance of thorough preparation and planning. Now, I prioritise taking the time to create and set realistic goals, regularly strategise, and plan before taking action.

This helps us build processes and systems to streamline our operations, allowing us to delegate, expand, track progress, and continuously improve.

Having a written plan, whether for marketing, website upgrades, or photoshoots, ensures our team is better equipped for success, saves us time in the long run, and reduces business overhead and costs.

Q. If someone was to create a TV show about you, what would it be about and what would it be called?

Jack: “The Hustle and Flow” – a reality-comedy about balancing work and play, where the lead character navigates the challenges of running a business while still finding time to enjoy life’s adrenaline-fueled adventures.

With each episode showcasing both high-pressure moments and lighthearted experiences, this show promises to deliver a unique perspective on work-life balance and the drive to succeed.

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